Templates Inputs

All user inputs are defined in
repository / template / version / src / inputs.jsonnet.

Users must fill in these inputs before the template is applied. In the template Jsonnet files, inputs are referenced by the Input function.

Inputs are divided into steps and the steps into groups. Each group defines how many steps need to be selected by the user. The template needs to contain at least one group with one step.


Structure of the inputs.jsonnet file:

  • stepsGroups - array of groups of steps
    • description string - group description
    • required string, define how many steps need to be selected by the user
      • one of: optional, exactlyOne, atLeastOne, zeroOrOne, all
    • steps - array of steps within the group
      • icon - component or common icon, read more
      • name string - name of the step
      • description string - step description
      • dialogName string - name of the step presented to the user in the UI dialog (name is used if empty)
      • dialogDescription string - description of the step presented to the user in the UI dialog (description is used if empty)
      • inputs - array of inputs definitions
        • id string - input ID
          • used in Jsonnet function Input, e.g., Input("id")
        • name string - input name
        • description string - input description
        • type string - input data type
          • one of string, int, double, bool, string[], object
        • kind string - input visual style, see below.
        • default - default value, must match type.
        • rules string - comma separated validation rules, read more about syntax
        • showIf string - condition when the input should be displayed, read more about syntax
        • options array of options, only for kind = select/multiselect
          • value string - option value
          • label string - option visible name
        • componentId string - id of the component to be authorized for, allowed only for kind = oauth
        • oauthInputId string - id of the linked kind=oauth input, allowed only for kind = oauthAccounts

Allowed combinations of type and kind:

  • Type string
    • Kind input - one line text
    • Kind hidden - one line text, characters are masked.
    • Kind textarea - multi-line text
    • Kind select - drop-down list, one option must be selected.
  • Type int
    • Kind input - one line text
  • Type double
    • Kind input - one line text
  • Type bool
    • Kind confirm - yes/no prompt
  • Type string[]
    • Kind multiselect - drop-down list, multiple options can be selected.
  • Type object
    • Kind oauth - oAuth authorization, also needs componentId to be defined.
    • Kind oauthAccounts - oAuth accounts selector, also needs oauthInputId to be defined.

Example of inputs.jsonnet:

  stepsGroups: [
      description: "Data extraction",
      required: "all",
      steps: [
          name: "Awesome API",
          description: "Data extraction from Awesome API",
          inputs: [
              id: "api-base-url",
              name: "Api Url",
              description: "Please enter URL of your API.",
              type: "string",
              kind: "input",
              default: "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1",


There are several places where the template author can specify an icon to be displayed in the UI. For security reasons, it is not possible to load images from external sites.

The icon is defined as a string and can have one of these forms:

  • component:<component-id> eg., component:keboola.ex-onedrive - the component icon is used.
  • common:<icon-name>, eg. common:upload - an icon from the predefined set is used
    • these icons are currently supported: upload, download, settings, import


Each user input can have validation rules.

  • Rules are separated by ,.
  • Rule parameters are separated by =.
  • E.g.. the rule required,min=0 specifies that value cannot be empty and must be 0 or more.
  • Rules are interpreted by the go-playground/validator library.
  • See the full list of available rules.

Show If

Each user input can have the showIf condition.

  • It can be used to show/hide the input based on the previous values.
  • The value of a previous input is referenced by [<input-id>].
  • E.g., the condition [some-previous-input] == 'value' specifies that the input will be displayed only if the previous input some-previous-input has the value value.
  • Condition is interpreted by the Knetic/govaluate library.
  • See available operators and types.

Example Inputs

String Input

Definition in inputs.jsonnet:

  stepsGroups: [
      description: "Data extraction",
      required: "all",
      steps: [
          name: "Awesome API",
          description: "Data extraction from Awesome API",
          inputs: [
              id: 'my-string',
              name: 'My String',
              description: 'Input Description',
              type: 'string',
              kind: 'input',
              rules: 'required',
              default: 'default value',
              showIf: "[some-previous-input] == 'value'",

CLI dialog:

Input Description
? My String: (default value) foo bar

String Hidden

Definition in inputs.jsonnet:

  stepsGroups: [
      description: "Data extraction",
      required: "all",
      steps: [
          name: "Awesome API",
          description: "Data extraction from Awesome API",
          inputs: [
              id: 'my-string',
              name: 'My String',
              description: 'Input Description',
              type: 'string',
              kind: 'hidden',
              rules: 'required',
              showIf: "[some-previous-input] == 'value'",

CLI dialog:

Input Description
? My String: **********

String Textarea

Definition in inputs.jsonnet:

  stepsGroups: [
      description: "Data extraction",
      required: "all",
      steps: [
          name: "Awesome API",
          description: "Data extraction from Awesome API",
          inputs: [
              id: 'my-string',
              name: 'My String',
              description: 'Input Description',
              type: 'string',
              kind: 'textarea',
              rules: 'required',
              default: 'default value',
              showIf: "[some-previous-input] == 'value'",

CLI dialog:

Input Description
? My String: [Enter to launch editor]

Value is edited in the editor defined by the EDITOR or VISUAL environment variable.

String Select

Definition in inputs.jsonnet:

  stepsGroups: [
      description: "Data extraction",
      required: "all",
      steps: [
          name: "Awesome API",
          description: "Data extraction from Awesome API",
          inputs: [
              id: 'my-string',
              name: 'My String',
              description: 'Input Description',
              type: 'string',
              kind: 'select',
              rules: 'required',
              default: 'value2',
              showIf: "[some-previous-input] == 'value'",
              options: [
                  value: 'value1',
                  label: 'Name 1',
                  value: 'value2',
                  label: 'Name 2',
                  value: 'value3',
                  label: 'Name 3',

CLI dialog:

Input Description
? My String:  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
  Name 1
> Name 2
  Name 3

Int Input

Definition in inputs.jsonnet:

  stepsGroups: [
      description: "Data extraction",
      required: "all",
      steps: [
          name: "Awesome API",
          description: "Data extraction from Awesome API",
          inputs: [
              id: 'my-int',
              name: 'My Int',
              description: 'Input Description',
              type: 'int',
              kind: 'input',
              rules: 'required',
              default: 123,
              showIf: "[some-previous-input] == 456",

CLI dialog:

Input Description
? My Int: (123) 789

Double Input

Definition in inputs.jsonnet:

  stepsGroups: [
      description: "Data extraction",
      required: "all",
      steps: [
          name: "Awesome API",
          description: "Data extraction from Awesome API",
          inputs: [
              id: 'my-double',
              name: 'My Double',
              description: 'Input Description',
              type: 'double',
              kind: 'input',
              rules: 'required',
              default: 123.45,
              showIf: "[some-previous-input] == 456.78",

CLI dialog:

Input Description
? My Double: (123.45) 789.12

Bool Confirm

Definition in inputs.jsonnet:

  stepsGroups: [
      description: "Data extraction",
      required: "all",
      steps: [
          name: "Awesome API",
          description: "Data extraction from Awesome API",
          inputs: [
              id: 'my-bool',
              name: 'My Bool',
              description: 'Input Description',
              type: 'bool',
              kind: 'confirm',
              rules: 'required',
              default: true,
              showIf: "[some-previous-input] == true",

CLI dialog:

Input Description
? My Bool: (Y/n)

String[] Multiselect

Definition in inputs.jsonnet:

  stepsGroups: [
      description: "Data extraction",
      required: "all",
      steps: [
          name: "Awesome API",
          description: "Data extraction from Awesome API",
          inputs: [
              id: 'my-string-array',
              name: 'String Values',
              description: 'Input Description',
              type: 'string[]',
              kind: 'multiselect',
              rules: 'required',
              default: ['value2', 'value3'],
              options: [
                  value: 'value1',
                  label: 'Name 1',
                  value: 'value2',
                  label: 'Name 2',
                  value: 'value3',
                  label: 'Name 3',

CLI dialog:

Input Description
? String Values:  [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
> [ ]  Name 1
  [x]  Name 2
  [x]  Name 3

oAuth Authorization

The OAuth authorization input (kind=oauth) is fully supported only in the UI. It can be used for any component that supports oAuth authorization, see componentId field. If you use a template containing oauth input in the CLI, it will leave an empty value. Links to configurations that need to be authorized additionally will be printed at the end.

Definition in inputs.jsonnet:

  stepsGroups: [
      description: "Data extraction",
      required: "all",
      steps: [
          name: "Awesome API",
          description: "Data extraction from Awesome API",
          inputs: [
              id: 'my-oauth',
              name: 'oAuth',
              description: 'oAuth Authorization',
              type: 'object',
              kind: 'oauth',
              componentId: 'keboola.ex-google-ads'

Input usage in a config.jsonnet:

  authorization: {
    oauth_api: Input("my-oauth"),

CLI output:

Template "keboola/my-template-id/1.2.3" has been applied, instance ID: inst12345

The template generated configurations that need oAuth authorization. Please follow the links and complete the setup:
- https://connection.keboola.com/admin/projects/123/components/ex-generic-v2/456789

oAuth Accounts

The OAuth accounts input (kind=oauthAccounts) is fully supported only in the UI. In the CLI, it will leave an empty value. It is an additional input to the kind=oauth input, they are linked by oauthInputId field. It allows selection of user accounts, as an oAuth account can have access to multiple accounts.

Definition in inputs.jsonnet:

  stepsGroups: [
      description: "Instagram",
      required: "all",
      steps: [
          name: "Instagram",
          description: "Data extraction from Instagram",
          inputs: [
                id: "my-oauth",
                name: "Instagram oAuth",
                description: "Instagram Authorization",
                type: "object",
                kind: "oauth",
                componentId: "keboola.ex-instagram",
                id: "my-oauth-accounts",
                name: "Instagram Profiles",
                description: "Instagram Profiles",
                type: "object",
                kind: "oauthAccounts",
                oauthInputId: "my-oauth",

Inputs usage in a config.jsonnet:

  authorization: {
    oauth_api: Input("my-oauth"),
  parameters: Input("my-oauth-accounts") + {
    other1: "value1",
    other2: "value2",

OAuth Accounts input can only be used with the components listed below:


Example value for profiles mode:

  "profiles": [
      "id": "PROFILE_ID",
      "name": "All Web Site Data",
      "webPropertyId": "WEB_PROPORTY_ID",
      "webPropertyName": "WEB_PROPRTY_NAME",
      "accountId": "ACCOUNT_ID",
      "accountName": "ACCOUNT_NAME"

Example value for properties mode:

  "properties": [
      "accountKey": "accounts/ACCOUNT_ID",
      "accountName": "ACCOUNT_NAME",
      "propertyKey": "properties/PROPERTY_ID",
      "propertyName": "PROPERTY_NAME"

Example value:

  "customerId": ["1234abcd"],
  "onlyEnabledCustomers": true

Example value:

  "accounts": {
    "act_12345678": {
      "account_id": "12345678",
      "business_name": "",
      "currency": "CZK",
      "id": "act_12345678",
      "name": "Jane Doe"

Example value:

  "accounts": {
    "123456789101112": {
      "category": "Just for fun",
      "category_list": [
          "id": "9876543210000",
          "name": "Just for fun"
      "name": "PAGE_NAME",
      "id": "123456789101112",
      "tasks": [

Example value:

  "accounts": {
    "123456789101112": {
      "category": "Musician/Band",
      "fb_page_id": "9876543210000",
      "id": "123456789101112",
      "name": "Entita"

Next Steps