Create Template Tutorial

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating and using a template. First, make sure you have the latest version of the Keboola CLI.

kbc --version

Create Repository

Create an empty directory for template repository and enter it:

mkdir my-repository
cd my-repository

Initialize the repository directory, run command:

kbc template repository init

Example output:

Created metadata directory ".keboola".
Created repository manifest file ".keboola/repository.json".
Repository init done.

Optionally, you can initialize the directory as a git repository.

git init
git add -A
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Create Template

The template can be created from any existing project in Keboola.

Set Editor

First, set an editor that will be used to edit values. EDITOR or VISUAL environment variable must be set.

For example, use nano console editor.

export EDITOR="nano"

You can also use a GUI editor, for example Visual Studio Code.

export EDITOR="code --new-window --wait"

Or Sublime Text editor.

export EDITOR="subl --new-window --wait"

Source Project

Specify source project by Storage API host and token.

In the repository directory create .env.local file:

File .env.local must be kept locally. Create.gitignore file:


Alternatively, if you don’t create the .env.local file, you will be prompted to enter these values interactively.

Start Dialog

Start interactive dialog to create template. It will guide you through creating the template step by step.

kbc template create

ID and Name

Enter template name and ID:

Please enter a template public name for users.
For example "Lorem Ipsum Ecommerce".
? Template name: My Template

Please enter a template internal ID.
Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-".
For example "lorem-ipsum-ecommerce".
? Template ID: my-template

Enter a short description of the template using the editor:

Please enter a short template description.
?  [Enter to launch editor]

Branch and Configurations

Select source branch and configurations to be included in the template:

? Select source branch: Main (251718)

? Select configurations to be included in the template:  
[Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter]
> [x]  My MySQL Data Source (keboola.ex-db-mysql:810414442)
  [ ]  MySQL with demo data (keboola.ex-sample-data:810416777)
  [x]  Test transformation (keboola.snowflake-transformation:810416570)

Configurations IDs

For each configuration and configuration row specify a human-readable ID:

Please enter a human readable ID for each config and config row.
?  [Enter to launch editor]

Example definition file that opens in the editor:

Please enter a human-readable ID for each configuration. For example "L0-raw-data-ex".
Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-".
These IDs will be used in the template.

Please edit each line below "## Config ..." and "### Row ...".
Do not edit lines starting with "#"!

## Config "My MySQL Data Source" keboola.ex-db-mysql:810414442

### Row "table1" keboola.ex-db-mysql:810414442:48061

### Row "table2" keboola.ex-db-mysql:810414442:12883

## Config "Test transformation" keboola.snowflake-transformation:810416570

When you have finished editing, save the file and close the editor.

Select User Inputs

Potential user inputs are detected in the parameters fields, in all configurations and configuration rows.

Please select which fields in the configurations should be user inputs.
?  [Enter to launch editor]

Follow the instructions in the definition file:

  1. Mark which fields should be user inputs.
    • Encrypted values are automatically pre-marked.
    • User inputs are marked with [x].
    • Ignored fields are marked with[ ].
  2. Modify <input-id> if the pre-generated value is not sufficient.

Example definition file that opens in the editor:

Please define user inputs for the template.
Edit lines below "## Config ..." and "### Row ...".
Do not edit "<field.path>" and lines starting with "#"!

Line format: <mark> <input-id> <field.path> <example>

1. Mark which fields should be user inputs.
[x] "input-id" "field.path"   <<< this field will be user input
[ ] "input-id" "field.path"   <<< this field will be scalar value

2. Modify "<input-id>" if the pre-generated value is not sufficient.
Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-".

## Config "My MySQL Data Source" keboola.ex-db-mysql:810414442
[x] mysql-password            `parameters.db.#password`
[x] mysql-database            `parameters.db.database`    <!-- database -->
[x] mysql-host                ``        <!-- -->
[x] mysql-port                `parameters.db.port`        <!-- 3306 -->
[x] mysql-user                `parameters.db.user`        <!-- username -->

### Row "table1" keboola.ex-db-mysql:810414442:48061
[ ] ex-db-mysql-incremental   `parameters.incremental`    <!-- false -->
[ ] ex-db-mysql-output-table  `parameters.outputTable`    <!-- in.c-keboola-ex-db-m... -->
[ ] ex-db-mysql-primary-key   `parameters.primaryKey`
[ ] ex-db-mysql-query         `parameters.query`          <!-- SELECT `id`, `name` ... -->

### Row "table2" keboola.ex-db-mysql:810414442:12883
[ ] ex-db-mysql-incremental   `parameters.incremental`    <!-- false -->
[ ] ex-db-mysql-output-table  `parameters.outputTable`    <!-- in.c-keboola-ex-db-m... -->
[ ] ex-db-mysql-primary-key   `parameters.primaryKey`
[ ] ex-db-mysql-query         `parameters.query`          <!-- SELECT `id`, `name` ... -->

When you have finished editing, save the file and close the editor.

Complete User Inputs

Please complete the user inputs specification.
?  [Enter to launch editor]

Follow the instructions in the definition file:

  1. Complete the user inputs.
  2. Sort the user inputs.
    • Move text blocks with definitions.
    • Assign the inputs to different steps. A preview of the created steps structure is suggested in the comment.
    • User will be asked for inputs in the specified order.
Please complete definition ...

Preview of steps and groups you created:
- Group 1: Default Group
  - Step "step-1": Default Step - Description

## Input "mysql-host" (string)
name: MySQL Host
kind: input
step: step-1

## Input "mysql-port" (int)
name: MySQL Port
kind: input
default: 3306
step: step-1

## Input "mysql-user" (string)
name: MySQL User
kind: input
step: step-1

## Input "mysql-password" (string)
name: MySQL Password
kind: hidden
step: step-1

## Input "mysql-database" (string)
name: MySQL Database
kind: input
step: step-1

All Done

After completing all the steps, the template is saved in the repository directory. You can add detailed information about the template to the file.

Console output

Created template dir "my-template/v0".
Created template manifest file "src/manifest.jsonnet".
Created template inputs file "src/inputs.jsonnet".
Created readme file "".
Plan for "pull" operation:
  + C extractor/keboola.ex-db-mysql/my-data-source
  + R extractor/keboola.ex-db-mysql/my-data-source/rows/table1
  + R extractor/keboola.ex-db-mysql/my-data-source/rows/table2
  + C transformation/keboola.snowflake-transformation/my-transformation
Pull done.
Template "my-template/v0" has been created.

Resulting directory structure

📂 [repository]
┣ 📂 .keboola
┃ ┗ 🟦 repository.json
┗ 📂 my-template
  ┗ 📂 v0
    ┣ 🟩
    ┗ 📂 src
       ┣ 🟪 inputs.jsonnet
       ┣ 🟪 manifest.jsonnet
       ┣ 📂 extractor
       ┃ ┗ 📂 keboola.ex-db-mysql
       ┃   ┗ 📂 my-data-source
       ┃      ┣ 🟪 config.jsonnet
       ┃      ┣ 🟪 meta.jsonnet
       ┃      ┣ 🟩
       ┃      ┗ 📂 rows
       ┃        ┣ 📂 table1
       ┃        ┃ ┣ 🟪 config.jsonnet
       ┃        ┃ ┣ 🟪 meta.jsonnet
       ┃        ┃ ┗ 🟩
       ┃        ┗ 📂 table2
       ┃          ┣ 🟪 config.jsonnet
       ┃          ┣ 🟪 meta.jsonnet
       ┃          ┗ 🟩
       ┗ 📂 transformation
         ┗ 📂 keboola.snowflake-transformation
           ┗ 📂 my-transformation
              ┣ 🟪 config.jsonnet
              ┣ 🟪 meta.jsonnet
              ┣ 🟩
              ┗ 📂 blocks
                 ┗ 📂 001-block-1
                    ┣ 🟪 meta.jsonnet
                    ┗ 📂 001-code-1
                       ┣ 🟪 meta.jsonnet
                       ┗ 🟫 code.sql       

Repository manifest

Template record is added to the .keboola/repository.json:

  "version": 2,
  "templates": [
      "id": "my-template",
      "name": "My Template",
      "description": "Full workflow to ...",
      "path": "my-template",
      "versions": [
          "version": "0.0.1",
          "description": "",
          "stable": false,
          "path": "v0"

Template manifest

IDs and paths are defined in my-template/v0/src/manifest.jsonnet:

  configurations: [
      componentId: "keboola.ex-db-mysql",
      id: ConfigId("my-data-source"),
      path: "extractor/keboola.ex-db-mysql/my-data-source",
      rows: [
          id: ConfigRowId("table1"),
          path: "rows/table1",
          id: ConfigRowId("table2"),
          path: "rows/table2",
      componentId: "keboola.snowflake-transformation",
      id: ConfigId("my-transformation"),
      path: "transformation/keboola.snowflake-transformation/my-transformation",
      rows: [],

User inputs

User inputs are defined in my-template/v0/src/inputs.jsonnet:

  inputs: [
      id: "mysql-host",
      name: "MySQL Host",
      description: "",
      type: "string",
      kind: "input",
      id: "mysql-port",
      name: "MySQL Port",
      description: "",
      type: "int",
      kind: "input",
      default: 3306,
      id: "mysql-user",
      name: "MySQL User",
      description: "",
      type: "string",
      kind: "input",
      id: "mysql-password",
      name: "MySQL Password",
      description: "",
      type: "string",
      kind: "hidden",
      id: "mysql-database",
      name: "MySQL Database",
      description: "",
      type: "string",
      kind: "input",

Example configuration with user inputs:

# my-template/v0/src/extractor/keboola.ex-db-mysql/my-data-source/config.jsonnet
  parameters: {
    db: {
      port: Input("mysql-port"),
      host: Input("mysql-host"),
      user: Input("mysql-user"),
      "#password": Input("mysql-password"),
      database: Input("mysql-database"),

You can further customize the template as needed.

Use Template

To use template you need a local project directory. If you do not have one, use kbc sync init command. The template is applied locally. Command kbc sync push can be used to push changes to the project.

Template repositories are defined in the project manifest. First step is to add our custom repository to the project manifest. Template repository can be stored in a git repository or in a local directory.

Add Git Repository

First, push template repository to a public git repository. Repository directory must be root directory of the git repository.

Then edit .keboola/manifest.json file in the project directory in which you want to use the template. Add repository definition to templates.repositories key. Key url is URL of the public git repository. Key ref is branch or tag used internally by git checkout.

Example .keboola/manifest.json:

  "templates": {
    "repositories": [
        "type": "git",
        "name": "my-repository",
        "url": "",
        "ref": "main"

Add Local Repository

Edit .keboola/manifest.json file in the project directory in which you want to use the template. Add repository definition to templates.repositories key. Key path is relative or absolute path to the repository directory. Relative path must be relative to the project directory.

Example .keboola/manifest.json:

  "templates": {
    "repositories": [
        "type": "dir",
        "name": "my-repository",
        "url": "/path/to/repository"

Start Dialog

Use template, run command in the project directory:

kbc local template use my-repository/my-template/v0

The last parameter v0 is the version, it can have different forms, see versioning.

Select target branch where the template should be applied:

? Select target branch:  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> Main (251721)

Fill in all user inputs.

? MySQL Host:

? MySQL Port: 3306

Example console output:

Plan for "encrypt" operation:
  C main/extractor/keboola.ex-db-mysql/my-data-source
Encrypt done.
New objects from "my-repository/my-template/v0" template:
  + C main/extractor/keboola.ex-db-mysql/my-data-source
  + R main/extractor/keboola.ex-db-mysql/my-data-source/rows/table1
  + R main/extractor/keboola.ex-db-mysql/my-data-source/rows/table2
  + C main/transformation/keboola.snowflake-transformation/my-transformation
Template "my-repository/my-template/v0" has been applied.

The template can be applied multiple times.

Push Changes

The template was applied to the local directory only. You can see the changes with kbc sync diff command.

If you are satisfied with the changes, you can push changes to the project and see the new configurations in the UI. Run command:

kbc sync push

Example output:

Plan for "push" operation:
  + C main/extractor/keboola.ex-db-mysql/my-data-source
  + R main/extractor/keboola.ex-db-mysql/my-data-source/rows/table1
  + R main/extractor/keboola.ex-db-mysql/my-data-source/rows/table2
  + C main/transformation/keboola.snowflake-transformation/test-transformation
  + C main/transformation/keboola.snowflake-transformation/my-transformation
Push done.

Next Steps