Remote Commands

Operations directly in the project.

kbc remote [command]
Command Description
kbc remote create Create an object in the project.
kbc remote create branch Create a new branch from the main branch.
kbc remote create bucket Create a new bucket.
kbc remote file Manage files in Storage.
kbc remote file download Download a file from Storage.
kbc remote file upload Upload a file to Storage.
kbc remote job Manage jobs in the project.
kbc remote job run Run one or more jobs.
kbc remote table Manage tables in the project.
kbc remote table create Create a new table.
kbc remote table upload Upload a CSV file to a table.
kbc remote table download Download data from a table.
kbc remote table preview Preview up to 1000 rows from a table.
kbc remote table detail Print table details.
kbc remote table import Import data to a table from a file.
kbc remote table unload Unload a table into a file.
kbc remote workspace Manage workspaces in the project.
kbc remote workspace create Create a workspace in the project.
kbc remote workspace delete Delete a workspace in the project.
kbc remote workspace detail Print workspace details and credentials.
kbc remote workspace list List workspaces in the project.