Our APIs

All our Keboola components have a public API on apiary. For sending requests to our API, we recommend either the Apiary Console or Postman Client. Most of our APIs take and produce data in JSON format. Many of them require a Storage API token, which is entered in the X-StorageApi-Token header.

List of Keboola APIs

All parts of the Keboola platform can be controlled via an API. The main APIs for our components are:

API Description
Keboola Storage API Storage is the main Keboola component storing all data.
Keboola Management API API managing Keboola projects and users (and notifications and features).
Encryption API Provides Encryption.
Docker Runner API Docker Runner is the component running other Keboola components.
JSON Parser API JSON Parser is a service converting JSON files to CSV.
Transformation API Transformations is the component running SQL/R/Python transformations.
Provisioning API Provisioning is a service creating accounts for sandboxes, transformations and database writers.
Provisioning Management API API managing servers for sandboxes, transformations.
Syrup Queue API Syrup Queue is a component managing Jobs. Being replaced by Queue API.
Queue API Queue is a service for running components and managing Jobs.
OAuth Broker API OAuth Broker is a component managing OAuth authorizations of other components.
Orchestrator API Orchestrator is a component automating and scheduling tasks in your project. For legacy orchestrations only.
Importer API Importer is a helper service for easy table imports
Developer Portal API Developer Portal is an application separated from Keboola for creating components.
Billing API Billing API for Pay as You Go projects.
Workspaces API Workspaces API for V2 workspaces.
Synchronous Actions API API to trigger Synchronous Actions. This is a partial replacement of Docker Runner API and may not be available on all stacks.
Scheduler API API to automate configurations
Notifications API API to subscribe to events, e.g., failed orchestrations (replacement for Orchestrator API)
Templates API The Keboola Templates API allows you to apply a template.
Buffer API The Keboola Buffer API allows you to ingest small and frequent events into your project’s storage.
Vault Service handling variables & credentials storage.

If you don’t know which API to use, see our integration guide. It describes different roles of the APIs and contains examples of commonly performed actions.

Stacks and Endpoints

Keboola is available in multiple stacks. These can be either multi-tenant or single-tenant. Current multi-tenant stacks are:

Each stack is a completely independent instance of Keboola services. In all the API documentation above, the AWS US stack is used.

Single-tenant stacks are available for a single enterprise customer with a domain name in form connection.CUSTOMER_NAME.keboola.com.

If you are using another stack, modify the endpoints accordingly. Otherwise you will obtain an Invalid Token or unauthorized errors. The authoritative list of available endpoints is provided by the Storage API Index Call. The following is a sample response:

  "services": [
            "id": "docker-runner",
            "url": "https://docker-runner.keboola.com"
            "id": "import",
            "url": "https://import.keboola.com"
            "id": "syrup",
            "url": "https://syrup.keboola.com"
            "id": "oauth",
            "url": "https://oauth.keboola.com"
            "id": "queue",
            "url": "https://queue.keboola.com"
            "id": "billing",
            "url": "https://billing.keboola.com"
            "id": "encryption",
            "url": "https://encryption.keboola.com"
            "id": "sandboxes",
            "url": "https://sandboxes.keboola.com"
            "id": "mlflow",
            "url": "https://mlflow.keboola.com"
            "id": "spark",
            "url": "https://spark.keboola.com"
            "id": "scheduler",
            "url": "https://scheduler.keboola.com"
            "id": "sync-actions",
            "url": "https://sync-actions.keboola.com"
            "id": "notification",
            "url": "https://notification.keboola.com"
            "id": "templates",
            "url": "https://templates.keboola.com"

The services listed above are:

For convenience, the following table lists active services and their URLs, though for an authoritative answer and in application integrations, we strongly suggest using the above API call.

API Service Region URL
Billing billing US Virginia AWS https://billing.keboola.com
Billing billing US Virginia GCP https://billing.us-east4.gcp.keboola.com
Billing billing EU Frankfurt AWS https://billing.eu-central-1.keboola.com
Billing billing EU Ireland Azure https://billing.north-europe.azure.keboola.com
Billing billing EU Frankfurt GCP https://billing.europe-west3.gcp.keboola.com
Encryption encryption US Virginia AWS https://encryption.keboola.com
Encryption encryption US Virginia GCP https://encryption.us-east4.gcp.keboola.com
Encryption encryption EU Frankfurt AWS https://encryption.eu-central-1.keboola.com
Encryption encryption EU Ireland Azure https://encryption.north-europe.azure.keboola.com
Encryption encryption EU Frankfurt GCP https://encryption.europe-west3.gcp.keboola.com
Importer import US Virginia AWS https://import.keboola.com
Importer import US Virginia GCP https://import.us-east4.gcp.keboola.com
Importer import EU Frankfurt AWS https://import.eu-central-1.keboola.com
Importer import EU Ireland Azure https://import.north-europe.azure.keboola.com
Importer import EU Frankfurt GCP https://import.europe-west3.gcp.keboola.com
MLFlow mlflow US Virginia AWS https://mlflow.keboola.com
MLFlow mlflow EU Frankfurt AWS https://mlflow.eu-central-1.keboola.com
MLFlow mlflow EU Ireland Azure https://mlflow.north-europe.azure.keboola.com
Notification notification US Virginia AWS https://notification.keboola.com
Notification notification US Virginia GCP https://notification.us-east4.gcp.keboola.com
Notification notification EU Frankfurt AWS https://notification.eu-central-1.keboola.com
Notification notification EU Ireland Azure https://notification.north-europe.azure.keboola.com
Notification notification EU Frankfurt GCP https://notification.europe-west3.gcp.keboola.com
OAuth oauth US Virginia AWS https://oauth.keboola.com
OAuth oauth US Virginia GCP https://oauth.europe-west3.gcp.keboola.com
OAuth oauth EU Frankfurt AWS https://oauth.eu-central-1.keboola.com
OAuth oauth EU Ireland Azure https://oauth.north-europe.azure.keboola.com
OAuth oauth EU Frankfurt GCP https://oauth.europe-west3.gcp.keboola.com
Queue queue US Virginia AWS https://queue.keboola.com
Queue queue US Virginia GCP https://queue.us-east4.gcp.keboola.com
Queue queue EU Frankfurt AWS https://queue.eu-central-1.keboola.com
Queue queue EU Ireland Azure https://queue.north-europe.azure.keboola.com
Queue queue EU Frankfurt GCP https://queue.europe-west3.gcp.keboola.com
Scheduler scheduler US Virginia AWS https://scheduler.keboola.com
Scheduler scheduler US Virginia GCP https://scheduler.us-east4.gcp.keboola.com
Scheduler scheduler EU Frankfurt AWS https://scheduler.eu-central-1.keboola.com
Scheduler scheduler EU Ireland Azure https://scheduler.north-europe.azure.keboola.com
Scheduler scheduler EU Frankfurt GCP https://scheduler.europe-west3.gcp.keboola.com
Storage   US Virginia AWS https://connection.keboola.com/
Storage   US Virginia GCP https://connection.us-east4.gcp.keboola.com
Storage   EU Frankfurt AWS https://connection.eu-central-1.keboola.com/
Storage   EU Ireland Azure https://connection.north-europe.azure.keboola.com/
Storage   EU Frankfurt GCP https://connection.europe-west3.gcp.keboola.com/
Sync Actions sync-actions US Virginia AWS https://sync-actions.keboola.com/
Sync Actions sync-actions US Virginia GCP https://sync-actions.us-east4.gcp.keboola.com
Sync Actions sync-actions EU Frankfurt AWS https://sync-actions.eu-central-1.keboola.com
Sync Actions sync-actions EU Ireland Azure https://sync-actions.north-europe.azure.keboola.com
Sync Actions sync-actions EU Frankfurt GCP https://sync-actions.europe-west3.gcp.keboola.com
Templates templates US Virginia AWS https://templates.keboola.com
Templates templates US Virginia GCP https://templates.us-east4.gcp.keboola.com
Templates templates EU Frankfurt AWS https://templates.eu-central-1.keboola.com
Templates templates EU Ireland Azure https://templates.north-europe.azure.keboola.com
Templates templates EU Frankfurt GCP https://templates.europe-west3.gcp.keboola.com
Workspaces / Sandboxes sandboxes US Virginia AWS https://sandboxes.keboola.com
Workspaces / Sandboxes sandboxes US Virginia GCP https://sandboxes.us-east4.gcp.keboola.com
Workspaces / Sandboxes sandboxes EU Frankfurt AWS https://sandboxes.eu-central-1.keboola.com
Workspaces / Sandboxes sandboxes EU Ireland Azure https://sandboxes.north-europe.azure.keboola.com
Workspaces / Sandboxes sandboxes EU Frankfurt GCP https://sandboxes.europe-west3.gcp.keboola.com

Important: Each of the stacks also uses its own set of IP addresses.

Calling API

There are several ways of sending requests to our APIs.

Apiary Console

Send requests to our API directly from the Apiary console by clicking on Switch to console or Try. Then fill the request headers and parameters and Call Resource.

Apiary console

The Apiary console is fine if you send API requests only occasionally. It requires no application installation; however, it has no history and no other useful features.

Postman Client

Postman is a generic HTTP API client. Use it if you work with Keboola APIs on a more regular basis. We also provide a collection of useful API calls with examples. The collection contains code examples in various languages; the requests can also be imported into the Postman application.

Postman Docs


cURL is a common library used by many systems. There is also a command-line interface (CLI) available. You can use the cURL CLI to create simple scripts working with Keboola APIs. For example, to Run a Job, use

curl --data "{\"config\": \"sampledatabase\"}" --header "X-StorageAPI-Token: YourStorageToken" https://syrup.keboola.com/keboola.ex-db-mysql/run