Jsonnet Files

All project JSON files are in a template defined by Jsonnet files. Jsonnet builds on JSON syntax, meaning that valid JSON is also valid Jsonnet. In addition, Jsonnet offers more language constructs, such as conditions, cycles, and variables.


In addition to the standard Jsonnet functions, the following functions are also available:

ConfigId(string configId) string

  • Replaces a configuration human-readable ID with a generated unique ID.
  • In a template, each configuration has a human-readable name, e.g., my-config.
  • When applying a template, a human-readable ID is replaced with a generated unique ID, e.g., 5038695485.
  • As a result, it is possible to create multiple instances of a template.
  • The ConfigId function is most commonly used in the template manifest, but it can also be applied in any Jsonnet file.

For example, you can compose a bucket ID containing a configuration ID as follows:

 storage: {
  input: {
   tables: [
    {source: "in.c-keboola-ex-aws-s3-" + ConfigId("config-with-output-mapping") + ".table"},

ConfigRowId(string rowId) string

  • Replaces a configuration row human-readable ID by a generated unique ID.
  • Similar to ConfigId, but for configuration rows.

Input(string inputId) string

  • Returns the value of the user input.
  • If the input is hidden because the showIf condition was evaluated as false:
    • The function returns an empty value for the input type, e.g., 0 for int, false for bool, etc.


  parameters: {
    api: {
      baseUrl: Input("base-url"),

InputIsAvailable(string inputId) string

  • Returns true if the input has been filled in by the user and false if the step has been skipped or showIf = false.

InstanceId() string

  • Returns the ID of the current template instance.
  • E.g., V1StGXR8IZ5jdHi6BAmyT
  • This function is not supported in the preview endpoint, which is used for simple template configurations that do not have InstanceIDs.

InstanceIdShort() string

  • Returns the ID of the current template instance shortened to 8 characters.
  • E.g., V1StGXR8
  • This function is not supported in the preview endpoint, which is used for simple template configurations that do not have InstanceIDs.

ComponentIsAvailable(string componentId) bool

  • Returns true if the component is available; otherwise, it returns false.

SnowflakeWriterComponentId() string

  • Returns componentId of the Snowflake writer.
    • Returns keboola.wr-db-snowflake for AWS stacks.
    • Returns keboola.wr-snowflake-blob-storage for Azure stacks.
    • Returns keboola.wr-db-snowflake-gcs for GCP stacks and the BigQuery backend.
    • Returns keboola.wr-db-snowflake-gcs-s3 for GCP stacks and the Snowflake backend.

HasProjectBackend(backend string) bool

  • Returns true if the backend is available; otherwise, it returns false.

RandomID() string

  • Returns a random ID truncated to 8 characters.

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