Keboola Table Storage (Tables) and Keboola File Storage (File Uploads) are heavily connected together. Keboola File Storage is technically a layer on top of the Amazon S3 service, and Keboola Table Storage is a layer on top of a database backend.
To upload a table, take the following steps:
parameter) into the destination table.
The import is asynchronous, so the request only creates a job and you need to poll for its results.
The imported files must conform to the RFC4180 Specification.Exporting a table from Storage is analogous to its importing. First, data is asynchronously exported from Table Storage into File Uploads. Then you can request to download the file, which will give you access to an S3 server for the actual file download.
To upload a file to Keboola File Storage, follow the instructions outlined in the
API documentation.
First create a file resource; to create a new file called
with 52
bytes, call:
curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "X-StorageApi-Token:storage-token" --data-binary "{ \"name\": \"new-file.csv\", \"sizeBytes\": 52, \"federationToken\": 1 }"
Which will return a response similar to this:
"id": 192726698,
"created": "2016-06-22T10:44:35+0200",
"isPublic": false,
"isSliced": false,
"isEncrypted": false,
"name": "new_file2.csv",
"url": "",
"region": "us-east-1",
"sizeBytes": 52,
"tags": [],
"maxAgeDays": 15,
"runId": null,
"runIds": [],
"creatorToken": {
"id": 53044,
"description": ""
"uploadParams": {
"key": "exp-15/1134/files/2016/06/22/192726697.new_file2.csv",
"bucket": "kbc-sapi-files",
"acl": "private",
"credentials": {
"AccessKeyId": "ASI...H7Q",
"SecretAccessKey": "QbO...7qu",
"SessionToken": "Ago...bsF",
"Expiration": "2016-06-22T20:44:35+00:00"
The important parts are: id
of the file, which will be needed later, the uploadParams.credentials
which gives you credentials to AWS S3 to upload your file, and
the key
and bucket
nodes, which define the target S3 destination as s3://bucket
To upload the files to S3, you need an S3 client. There are a large number of clients available:
for example, use the
S3 AWS command line client.
Before using it, pass the credentials
by executing, for instance, the following commands
on *nix systems:
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=Ago...wU=
or on Windows:
Then you can actually upload the new-table.csv
file by executing the AWS S3 CLI cp command:
aws s3 cp new-table.csv s3://kbc-sapi-files/exp-15/1134/files/2016/06/22/192726697.new_file2.csv
After that, import the file into Table Storage, by calling either Create Table API call (for a new table) or Load Data API call (for an existing table).
curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "X-StorageApi-Token:storage-token" --data-binary "{ \"dataFileId\": 192726698, \"name\": \"new-table\" }"
This will create an asynchronous job, importing data from the 192726698
file into the new-table
destination table in the in.c-main
Then poll for the job results, or review its status in the UI.
The above process is implemented in the following example script in Python. This script uses the Requests library for sending HTTP requests and the Boto 3 library for working with Amazon S3. Both libraries can be installed using pip:
pip install boto3
pip install requests
import requests
import os
import json
import boto3
from time import sleep
storageToken = 'yourToken'
# Source filename (including path)
fileName = 'simple.csv'
# Target Storage Bucket (assumed to exist)
bucketName = 'in.c-main'
# Target Storage Table (assumed NOT to exist)
tableName = 'my-new-table'
print('\nCreating upload file')
# Create a new file in Storage
# See
response =
'name': fileName,
'sizeBytes': os.stat(fileName).st_size,
'federationToken': 1
headers={'X-StorageApi-Token': storageToken}
parsed = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
# print(response.request.body)
# print(json.dumps(parsed, indent=4))
# Get AWS Credentials
accessKeyId = parsed['uploadParams']['credentials']['AccessKeyId']
accessKeySecret = parsed['uploadParams']['credentials']['SecretAccessKey']
sessionToken = parsed['uploadParams']['credentials']['SessionToken']
region = parsed['region']
fileId = parsed['id']
print('\nUploading to S3')
# Upload file to S3
# See
s3 = boto3.resource('s3', region_name=region, aws_access_key_id=accessKeyId, aws_secret_access_key=accessKeySecret, aws_session_token=sessionToken)
data = open(fileName, 'rb')
s3.Bucket(parsed['uploadParams']['bucket']).put_object(Key=parsed['uploadParams']['key'], Body=data)
print('\nCreating table')
# Load data from file into the Storage table
# See
response =
'' % bucketName,
data={'name': tableName, 'dataFileId': fileId, 'delimiter': ',', 'enclosure': '"'},
headers={'X-StorageApi-Token': storageToken},
parsed = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
# print(json.dumps(parsed, indent=4))
if (parsed['status'] == 'error'):
status = parsed['status']
while (status == 'waiting') or (status == 'processing'):
print('\nWaiting for import to finish')
# See
response = requests.get(parsed['url'], headers={'X-StorageApi-Token': storageToken})
jobParsed = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
status = jobParsed['status']
# print(json.dumps(jobParsed, indent=4))
if (jobParsed['status'] == 'error'):
For production setup, we recommend using the approach outlined above with direct upload to S3 as it is more reliable and universal. In case you need to avoid using an S3 client, it is also possible to upload the file by a simple HTTP request to Storage API Importer Service.
curl --request POST --header "X-StorageApi-Token:storage-token" --form "data=@new-file.csv"
The above will return a response similar to this:
"id": 418137780,
"created": "2018-07-17T13:48:57+0200",
"isPublic": false,
"isSliced": false,
"isEncrypted": true,
"name": "",
"url": "https:\/\/\/exp-15\/4088\/files\/2018\/07\/17\/",
"region": "us-east-1",
"sizeBytes": 1765,
"tags": [],
"maxAgeDays": 15,
"runId": null,
"runIds": [],
"creatorToken": {
"id": 144880,
"description": "file upload"
After that, import the file into Table Storage by calling either Create Table API call (for a new table) or Load Data API call (for an existing table).
Depending on the backend and table size, the data file may be sliced into chunks. Requirements for uploading sliced files are described in the respective part of the API documentation.
When you attempt to download a sliced file, you will instead obtain its manifest listing the individual parts. Download the parts individually and join them together. For a reference implementation of this process, see our TableExporter class.
Important: When exporting a table through the Table — Export UI, the file will
be already merged and listed in the File Uploads section with the storage-merged-export
If you want to download a sliced file, get credentials to download the file from AWS S3. Assuming that the file ID is 192611596, for example, call
curl --header "X-StorageAPI-Token: storage-token"
which will return a response similar to this:
"id": 192611596,
"created": "2016-06-21T15:25:35+0200",
"name": "",
"url": "",
"region": "us-east-1",
"sizeBytes": 24541,
"tags": [
"s3Path": {
"bucket": "kbc-sapi-files",
"key": "exp-2/578/table-exports/in/c-redshift/blog-data/192611594.csv"
"credentials": {
"AccessKeyId": "ASI...UQQ",
"SecretAccessKey": "LHU...HAp",
"SessionToken": "Ago...uwU=",
"Expiration": "2016-06-22T01:51:37+00:00"
The field url
contains the URL to the file manifest. Upon downloading it, you will get a JSON file with contents
similar to this:
"entries": [
Now you can download the actual data file slices. URLs are provided in the manifest file, and credentials to them are returned as part of the previous file info call. To download the files from S3, you need an S3 client. There are a wide number of clients available; for example, use the S3 AWS command line client. Before using it, pass the credentials by executing , for instance, the following commands
on *nix systems:
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=Ago...wU=
or on Windows:
Then you can actually download the files by executing the AWS S3 CLI cp command:
aws s3 cp s3://kbc-sapi-files/exp-2/578/table-exports/in/c-redshift/blog-data/192611594.csv0000_part_00 192611594.csv0000_part_00
aws s3 cp s3://kbc-sapi-files/exp-2/578/table-exports/in/c-redshift/blog-data/192611594.csv0001_part_00 192611594.csv0001_part_00
After that, merge the files together by executing the following commands
on *nix systems:
cat 192611594.csv0000_part_00 192611594.csv0001_part_00 > merged.csv
or on Windows:
copy 192611594.csv0000_part_00 /B +192611594.csv0001_part_00 /B merged2.csv