Data Streams Overview

Data Streams diagram

A source represents an endpoint for receiving events.

Sources are managed using the Stream API. The full API reference is available at, and the OpenAPI specification is available at

Events are received via HTTP. Each source can be associated with up to 20 sinks, which represent mappings from event data to columns in a destination table. Data may be mapped using pre-defined mappings or a custom template.


Field Type Description
name string Name of the column. Names must be unique.
type string The type of the column. Available types and their descriptions are listed below.
primaryKey boolean Make this column a primary key. Multiple columns may be part of the primary key at the same time.

The available column types are:

Type Description
id Event ID
datetime Time of the event
ip IP of the event sender
body The unaltered event body
headers The unaltered request headers
path A field from the JSON object
template A custom mapping using a template language


The path column type can be used to fetch a single field from a JSON object. Optionally, you can use rawString option to remove the quotes around a JSON string or the defaultValue option to define a value when the field doesn’t exist.

  "type": "json",
  "name": "id",
  "path": "",
  "defaultValue": "undefined", 
  "rawString": true

Template (Jsonnet)

Note: It is recommended to use the faster path type instead of the jsonnet function Body(string) when possible.

The template column type currently supports the jsonnet templating language. The following jsonnet globals are available:

Name Description Usage example Example value
Ip() IP address of the client Ip()
Body() Get the entire request body as an object. Body() { "a": "b" }
Body(string) Get a field from the request body by path. Fails if the field does not exist; in that case, the record will not be saved. Body("deeply.nested.path") 1000
Body(string, any) Get a field from the request body by path, or a default value. Body("deeply.nested.path", 2000) 1000
BodyStr() Get the entire request body as a string. BodyStr() "{\"a\":\"b\"}"
Header() Get all request headers. Header() { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
Header(string) Get the value of a single request header. Fails if the header does not exist; in that case, the record will not be saved. Header("Content-Type") "application/json"
Header(string, string) Get the value of a single request header or a default value. Header("Content-Type") "application/json"
HeaderStr() Get the request headers as a string, each line containing one “header: value” pair. The lines are sorted alphabetically. HeaderStr() Content-Type: application/json
Now() Get the current UTC datetime as a string formatted using the default format. Now() "2023-01-14T08:04:05.123Z"
Now(string) Get the current UTC datetime as a string with the custom strftime-compatible format. Now("%Y-%m-%d") 2023-01-14


Incoming events are mapped to the schema defined in each sink, and each new row is appended to a CSV file on the local hard disk (local storage).

When the local storage accumulates enough records or a short time passes, the records from local storage are appended to a CSV file stored in your Keboola project (staging storage).

Once certain conditions are met, the data from the file is imported into the destination table (target storage). These conditions are defined by the sink:

Condition Minimum Maximum Default
time 30 seconds 24 hours 1 minute
size 100 B 500 MB 50 MB
count 1 10 million 50 thousand

Changing these conditions will trigger an immediate import of waiting files, after which the stream will follow the updated conditions.

Create Sources and Sinks

Sources can be created using the POST /v1/branches/{branchId}/sources endpoint.

If a source or sink id is omitted, it will be generated from the corresponding name field.

A source may be created without any sinks. The sinks can then be created separately using the POST /v1/branches/{branchId}/sources/{sourceId}/sinks endpoint.

Warning: Events sent to a source without any sinks will be permanently lost. This is because data is buffered per sink, not per source.

The requests are asynchronous and create a task that must be completed before the source or sink is ready to use. The task status can be checked using the GET /v1/branches/{branchId}/sources/{sourceId}/tasks/{taskId} endpoint.

Sink tables are created if they do not exist. If they already exist, the schema defined by sink.columns must match the existing schema. If the table schema is manually altered and it no longer matches, the import from staging storage to the table will fail. The data is kept in the staging storage for up to 7 days during which you can recover any failures.

Delete Sources and Sinks

Sources may be deleted using the DELETE /v1/branches/{branchId}/sources/{sourceId} endpoint. Sinks may be deleted using the DELETE /v1/branches/{branchId}/sources/{sourceId}/sinks/{sinkId} endpoint.

Update Sources and Sinks

A source may be updated using the PATCH /v1/branches/{branchId}/sources/{sourceId} endpoint. Sinks maybe updated using the PATCH /v1/branches/{branchId}/sources/{sourceId}/sinks/{sinkId} endpoint.

The UpdateSource endpoint may only update the source’s name. Sinks may only be updated separately.

If a sink’s mapping.tableId is updated, it is handled the same way as in the create operation. If the table exists, mapping.columns must match the existing table’s schema. If the table does not exist, it is created.

Source and Sink Settings

The import conditions mentioned above can be accessed using the GET /v1/branches/{branchId}/sources/{sourceId}/settings endpoint and changed using the PATCH /v1/branches/{branchId}/sources/{sourceId}/settings endpoint.

Same settings also exist for a sink. Use the GET /v1/branches/{branchId}/sources/{sourceId}/sinks/{sinkId}/settings endpoint and the PATCH /v1/branches/{branchId}/sources/{sourceId}/sinks/{sinkId}/settings endpoint in that case.

Delivery Guarantees

Depending on your use case, you may require different delivery guarantees for your stream. Follow the guidelines below to ensure the desired outcome.

At Most Once

To ensure that no record is delivered twice, make sure the client doesn’t retry when sending the records. In this case, it’s beneficial to use the setting endpoints to set "storage.level.local.encoding.sync.wait" to false to increase throughput.

At Least Once

To ensure that every record is delivered at least once, the client needs to implement retries when sending the records. Also, use the setting endpoints to confirm that "storage.level.local.encoding.sync.wait" is set to true (default behavior). Note that this setting guarantees that the record is written to the local disk.


A token is generated for each source sink. These tokens have the minimum possible scope with write permission for the bucket in which the destination table is stored. You can view these tokens at<project-id>/tokens-settings. Their description follows the format [_internal] Stream Sink <source-id>/<sink-id>.

These tokens should not be deleted or refreshed manually. To refresh a token, you can disable and re-enable the sink.

Kafka Integration

To connect Keboola with Apache Kafka® and ingest data from Kafka topics via data streams, use the Kafka Connect HTTP Sink Connector to establish a communication channel between Kafka and Keboola.

The Kafka Connect HTTP Sink Connector acts as a bridge, seamlessly integrating Kafka with Keboola’s Data Stream HTTP API. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  • Data Consumption: The connector continuously reads data records from one or more Kafka topics.
  • Batching: Events can be efficiently grouped based on a predefined maximum size (batch.max.size).
  • API Interaction: Data is sent as a POST request in JSON format to Keboola’s Data Stream API URL.

Key Points to Remember:

  • This integration relies on the Kafka Connect HTTP Sink Connector, which requires configuration on the Kafka side.
  • Data records from Kafka topics are transformed into strings before being sent to Keboola.
  • The target Keboola API URL corresponds to the data stream created in Keboola.
  • Only POST HTTP methods are supported for data ingestion.

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