REST HTTP API Introduction

An API (Application Programming Interface) is an interface to an application, or a service designed for machine access. It can be seen as the UI (User Interface) of an application designed for machines (other applications).

So that another application can be programmed to consume the API, it has to have some sort of specification. A common specification for communicating on the web is the HTTP protocol. Used by web browsers and other API clients, it defines how two parties (client and server) ought to communicate:

  • Client creates an HTTP request and sends it to the server over the network.
  • Server processes the request, creates a response, and sends it to the client over the network.

HTTP Request

An HTTP request is composed of:

  • URL
  • HTTP Method
  • HTTP Headers
  • Optional Body


A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the address you see in your web browser address bar. It allows you to locate a resource. Each URL has several parts, and it is important to know them. For example, the address

is composed of:

  • httpsProtocol (HTTP or HTTPS),
  • www.example.comHost — network address of the HTTP server,
  • 8080port — Optional network identifier within the target server; its default value is 80.
  • /customers/acme/order/ — Optional path to a resource we wish to obtain; its default value is \.
  • show=deleted&fields=all — Optional request parameters (also called query string or query string parameters), separated by the character & (ampersand); the actual parameters are:
    • show with the value deleted, and
    • fields with the value all.

Because the URL contains a number of special characters (?, &, / and many others), when these parameters need to be part of the URL, they must be encoded (URL encoded, urlencoded, escaped). Therefore a URL: address & special

will be actually sent to the server as:

The web browser (and Generic Extractor too) will normally do this conversion for you. However, you might run into the encoded format in Generic Extractor events. There are plenty of online tools to decode this encoded format.

Sometimes, you may also encounter the term URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). It is used when a single Resource may be accessed through multiple URLs. For example, the web page may display the same content as In such case one of the URLs (probably the second one) is chosen as an identifier, and becomes URI. For our use, there is no important difference between URI and URL.

An API end-point is identified by its URL, or URI, and should represent a distinct resource (users, invoices etc.). Important: The terms end-point, resource, URL and URI are used interchangeably throughout the tutorial because they ultimately refer to the same thing.


An HTTP Method describes a type of the request to make. It also called an HTTP Verb because it describes what to do with the resource. Common HTTP verbs are:

  • GET — Obtain a resource.
  • POST and PATCH — Update a resource.
  • PUT — Create a resource.
  • DELETE — Delete a resource.

Since Generic Extractor only reads data from another API, you will mostly use the GET method (and sometimes the POST method). The other HTTP methods are not important for us.


An HTTP request can contain headers, which include additional information about the request and response. A typical example of a header is Content-type. For instance, for a web page, Content-Type: text/html would be used because an HTML page is being transferred. For an API request, it is commonly set to Content-type: application/json because we are transferring JSON data.

Apart from standard headers, there are also non-standard headers; these are marked with the prefix X-. An example is the X-StorageAPIToken header used with Keboola Storage API.


The POST, PUT and PATCH requests can send parameters the same way as the GET requests in the URL. But they can also send them in the request body. These are sometimes called POST data/postdata.

HTTP Response

An HTTP response is composed of:

  • Response Headers — same as the request headers (only sent by the server)
  • Response Body — actual content of the resource
  • Status Code — status of the request

HTTP Status

The HTTP Status and status code represent a standardized way of describing the response state. For example, the status 200 OK (200 is the status code) is associated with a successful response. There are many HTTP Statuses, but the following rules apply:

  • Status codes 2xx (e.g., 200) represent success.
  • Status codes 3xx represent redirection.
  • Status codes 4xx represent a client error (the request is wrong).
  • Status codes 5xx represent a server error (the server failed to create the response).


REST (Representational state transfer) (or RESTful) is an API which follows a set of loosely defined principles:

  • The API URLs (or URIs) represent individual resources. Each API endpoint should represent a resource of a single type. For example, it represents a list of users, and not a list of users and their invoices.
  • Each resource is represented in a structured format (JSON or XML). The data is not transferred, for instance, as ordinary text or a web page.
  • Messages (request and response) are transferred using various HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.). For example, for obtaining data, the GET method should be used. Also the GET method should not cause any modifications of data.
  • The entire communication is stateless. This means that multiple requests can be called in an arbitrary order and must yield the same results. It is not correct for an API to have endpoints such as setFilter andgetFilteredResult because they imply that any state (a filter) is retained between those API endpoints.


The above describes the basic concepts of an API, HTTP protocol and HTTP REST API. When you understand these concepts (and the associated jargon), you can use Generic Extractor to get responses from virtually any HTTP REST API. Since the REST rules are not rigidly specified, it is not possible to ensure that Generic Extractor will be capable of reading 100% of APIs, even when declared as RESTful by someone.