Response URL Scroller

The Response URL Scroller can be used with APIs that provide the URL of the next page in the response. This scroller is suitable for APIs supporting the JSON API specification.

    "api": {
        "pagination": {
            "method": "response.url",
            "urlKey": ""

Configuration Parameters

The following configuration parameters are supported for the response.url pagination method:

  • urlKey (optional, string) — path in the response to the field which contains the URL of the next request; the default value is next_page.
  • delimiter (optional, string) — char used as the delimiter of the nested keys in the urlKey; the default value is ..
  • paramIsQuery (optional, boolean)
    • if true — URL is assumed to be only query string parameters; the parameters in the response override the parameters in the job.
    • if false — URL with a path is assumed. false is the default value; the parameters in the response are overridden by the parameters in the job.
  • includeParams (optional, boolean)
    • if true — job parameters are added to the parameters of the URL provided in the response; the default value is false.

See the examples below.

Stopping Condition

The pagination ends when the value of the urlKey parameter is empty — the key is not present at all, is null, is an empty string or is false. Be careful when configuring the urlKey parameter. If you, for example, misspell the key name, the extraction will not go beyond the first page. Common stopping conditions also apply.


This section provides three API pagination examples where the Response URL Scroller is used.

Basic Configuration

To configure pagination for an API that supports the JSON API specification, use the configuration below:

"pagination": {
    "method": "response.url",
    "urlKey": ""

The configuration expects a response to contain a field with the URL of the next page, e.g.:

    "items": [
            "id": 123,
            "name": "John Doe"
            "id": 234,
            "name": "Jane Doe"
    "links": {
        "next": "/users?page=2"

The URL may be either an absolute link ( or an absolute path (/users?page=2). If the URL is relative (users?page=2), it is appended to the endpoint URL.

See example [EX054].

Merging Parameters

To pass additional parameters to each of the page URLs, use the includeParams parameter:

    "parameters": {
        "api": {
            "baseUrl": "",
            "pagination": {
                "method": "response.url",
                "urlKey": "",
                "includeParams": true
        "config": {
            "debug": true,
            "outputBucket": "mock-server",
            "jobs": [
                    "endpoint": "users",
                    "dataField": "items",
                    "params": {
                        "account": 123

A sample response:

    "items": [
            "id": 123,
            "name": "John Doe"
            "id": 234,
            "name": "Jane Doe"
    "links": {
        "next": "/users?page=2"

In the above configuration, the account parameter is sent with every API request. If it were not for the includeParams option, it would be sent only with the first request. Note that adding a parameter would overwrite the page parameter in the response URL and thus would probably break the paging.

See example [EX055].

Overriding Parameters

Sometimes the API does not pass the entire URL, but only the query string parameters which should be used for querying the next page.

    "items": [
            "id": 123,
            "name": "John Doe"
            "id": 234,
            "name": "Jane Doe"
    "links": {
        "next": "?page=2"

Then use the paramsIsQuery configuration so that your Generic Extractor can produce a valid URL:

    "parameters": {
        "api": {
            "baseUrl": "http://mock-server:80/056-pagination-response-url-params-override/",
            "pagination": {
                "method": "response.url",
                "urlKey": "",
                "paramIsQuery": true,
                "includeParams": true
        "config": {
            "debug": true,
            "outputBucket": "mock-server",
            "jobs": [
                    "endpoint": "users",
                    "dataField": "items",
                    "params": {
                        "account": 123,
                        "page": "start"

Also notice that with the above configuration the page parameter specified in the job is used only for the first page because it is overridden by the page parameter given in the response. That is to say that the first request is sent to /users?account=123&page=start and the second request is sent to /users?account=123&page=2.

See example [EX056].