Page Number Scroller

The Page Number Scroller handles a pagination strategy in which the API splits the results into pages of the same size (limit parameter) and navigates through them using the page offset parameter. If you need to use the item offset, use the Offset Scroller.

    "api": {
        "pagination": {
            "method": "pagenum",
            "limit": 100,
            "limitParam": "count",

Configuration Parameters

The following configuration parameters are supported for the pagenum method of pagination:

  • limit (optional, integer) — page size
  • limitParam(optional, string) — name of the parameter in which the API expects the page size; the default value is limit.
  • pageParam (optional, string) — name of the parameter in which the API expects the page number; the default value is page.
  • firstPageParams (optional, boolean) — when false, the first page will be retrieved without the page parameters; the default value is true.
  • firstPage (optional, integer) — index of the first page; the default value is 1.

Stopping Condition

The pagenum scroller uses similar stopping condition as the offset scroller. Scrolling is stopped in case of an underflow — when the result contains less items than requested (including zero). However, in the pagenum scroller, the limit parameter is not required and has no default value. This means that if you omit it, the scrolling will stop only if an empty page is encountered.


This section contains three API pagination examples where the Page Number Scroller is used.

Basic Scrolling

The most simple scrolling setup is the following:

"pagination": {
    "method": "pagenum"

The first request is sent with the parameter page=1, for example /users?page=1. The next request will have page=2, for example /users?page=2.

See example [EX051].

Renaming Parameters

The limitParam and pageParam configuration options allow you to rename the limit and offset for the needs of a specific API:

"pagination": {
    "method": "pagenum",
    "limit": 20,
    "limitParam": "count",
    "pageParam": "set"

Here the API expects the parameters count and set. The first request will be sent with the parameters count=20 and set=1; for example, /users?set=1&count=20.

Important: Without setting a value for the limit option, the limitParam will not be sent at all (no matter how you name it).

See example [EX052].

Overriding Parameters

It is possible to override the limit parameter of a specific API job. This is useful when you want to use different limits for different API endpoints.

In the following configuration, the first request is sent to /users?count=2 because the limit parameter was renamed to count. Then the default value of count was overridden for the users API endpoint in jobs.params.count.

The firstPageParams is set to false, which means that the page parameter (named count) is not sent in the first request. The second API request is sent to /users?count=2&set=1. Because the firstPage option is set to 0, the second page index is 1.

    "parameters": {
        "api": {
            "baseUrl": "",
            "pagination": {
                "method": "pagenum",
                "limit": 200,
                "limitParam": "count",
                "pageParam": "set",
                "firstPage": 0,
                "firstPageParams": false
        "config": {
            "jobs": [
                    "endpoint": "users",
                    "dataField": "items",
                    "params": {
                        "count": 2

See example [EX053].