Offset Scroller

The Offset scroller handles a pagination strategy in which the API splits the results into pages of the same size (limit parameter) and navigates through them using the item offset parameter. This is similar to paging in SQL language. If you need to use the page offset, use the Page Number Scroller.

An example configuration:

    "api": {
        "pagination": {
            "method": "offset",
            "limit": 100,
            "limitParam": "count",

Configuration Parameters

The following configuration parameters are supported for the offset method of pagination:

  • limit (required, integer) — page size
  • limitParam (optional, string) — name of the parameter in which the API expects the page size; the default value is limit.
  • offsetParam (optional, string) — name of the parameter in which the API expects the item offset; the default value is offset.
  • firstPageParams (optional, boolean) — when false, the first page is retrieved without the page parameters; the default value is true.
  • offsetFromJob (optional, boolean) — when true, the offset parameter value is taken from the job parameters; the default value is false.

The limit value is configured by the limit parameter, but it may be overridden in the job parameters. The offset value is computed automatically starting from 0, but it may be overridden in the job parameters if offsetFromJob is set to true.

Important: Do not set the limit parameter above the limit supported by the API. To give an example, if the API returned 100 items at most and you set the limit 1000, it would cause the extraction to stop after the first page. This is because the underflow condition would be triggered.

Stopping Condition

Scrolling is stopped when the result contains less items than requested — specified in the limit configuration (underflow). This also includes an instance when no items are returned, or the response is empty.

Let’s say that you have an API endpoint users which takes the parameters limit and offset. There are four users in total. The response looks as follows:

        "id": 345,
        "name": "Jimmy Doe"
        "id": 456,
        "name": "Jenny Doe"

Querying users?offset=0&limit=2 returns the first two users. Querying users?offset=2limit returns the second two users. Generic Extractor will then query users?offset=4&limit=2.

If the response is empty (the API returns an empty page, []), the underflow check kicks in and the extraction is stopped. See example [043].

Note that the emptiness is evaluated on the extracted array as auto-detected or specified by the dataField configuration. That means that the entire response may be non-empty. See example [044].

You will also see the following warning in the logs:

WARNING: dataField `results.users.items` contains no data!

which is expected.

All common stopping conditions apply as well.


This section contains three examples of API pagination using the Offset Scroller.

Basic Scrolling

This is the simplest scrolling setup:

"pagination": {
    "method": "offset",
    "limit": "20"

The first request is sent with the parameters limit=20 and offset=0, for example, /users?limit=20&offset=0. The next request has limit=20 and offset=20, for example, /users?limit=20&offset=20. See example [EX043] and example [EX044] with a more structured response.

Renaming Parameters

The limitParam and offsetParam configuration options allow you to rename the limit and offset for the needs of a specific API:

"pagination": {
    "method": "offset",
    "limitParam": "count",
    "offsetParam": "skip",
    "limit": "100"

Here the API expects the parameters count and skip. The first request will be sent with the parameters count=100 and skip=0, for example, /users?count=2&skip=0.

See example [EX049].

Overriding Limit and Offset

It is possible to override both the limit and offset parameters of a specific API job. This is useful in case you want to use different limits for different API endpoints.

In the configuration below, the first API request to the users endpoint will be GET /users?count=2&skip=2. This is because the values count=2 and skip=2 are taken from the job params.

Notice that the job params names must correspond to the names of the offset and limit parameters (skip and count in this case). The limit parameter is always overridden to 5, no setting is necessary. The offset parameter is overridden to 2; this requires setting offsetFromJob. Without it being set, the jobs.params.skip value would be ignored.

    "parameters": {
        "api": {
            "baseUrl": "",
            "pagination": {
                "method": "offset",
                "limitParam": "count",
                "offsetParam": "skip",
                "offsetFromJob": true,
                "limit": "20"
        "config": {
            "jobs": [
                    "endpoint": "users",
                    "dataField": "items",
                    "params": {
                        "count": 2,
                        "skip": 2
                    "endpoint": "orders",
                    "dataField": "items",
                    "params": {
                        "count": 10

The entire endpoint configuration means that the first two items of the users endpoint will be skipped. For the orders endpoint, the skip (offset) parameter is not overridden, and therefore it starts at zero. The count (limit) parameter is set to 10. Therefore the first request to that endpoint will be GET /orders?count=10&skip=0.

See example [EX050].