
If new to Generic Extractor, learn about pagination in our tutorial first. Use Parameter Map to help you navigate among various configuration options.

Pagination, or paging, describes how an API splits a large list of items into separate pages. Pagination may also be called scrolling or traversing (scrolling through a large result set). Sometimes it is also referred to as setting a cursor (pointing to a current result).

Almost every API has some form of pagination because returning extensive lists of large results is impractical for many reasons, such as memory overflow issues and long transfer and processing times. So, unless you only want to do an ad-hoc query to extract thousands of items at most, setting pagination is important.

When configuring Generic Extractor, there is a slight distinction between pagination and scrolling:

  • Pagination describes paging of the entire API.
  • Scrolling (scroller) describes paging of a single resource.

As long as the API uses the same pagination method for all resources, there is no need to distinguish between the two. Setting up pagination for Generic Extractor boils down to two crucial questions:

  • How to obtain the next set of items? (paging strategy)
  • How to determine that all items were obtained and scrolling can stop? (stopping strategy)

An example pagination configuration looks like this:

    "pagination": {
        "method": "offset",
        "limit": "2"

Paging Strategy

Generic Extractor supports the following paging strategies (scrollers); they are configured using the method option:

  • response.url — uses a URL provided in the response.
  • offset — uses the page size (limit) and item offset (like in SQL).
  • pagenum — uses the page size (limit) and page number.
  • response.param — uses a specific value (token) provided in the response.
  • cursor — uses the identifier of the item in response to maintain a scrolling cursor.
  • multiple — allows to set different scrollers for different API endpoints.

Choosing Paging Strategy

If the API responses contain direct links to the next set of results, use the response.url method. This applies to the APIs following the JSON API specification. The response usually contains a links section:

    "results": [
    "links": {
        "next": ""

If the API response contains a parameter used to obtain the next page, use the response.param method. It is preferred to use an authoritative value provided by the API than any of the following methods. This can be some kind of scrolling token or even a page number of the next page, for example:

    "results": [
    "scrolling": {
        "next_page": 2

If the API does not provide a scrolling hint within the response, use one of the offset, pagenum or cursor methods:

  • Use the pagenum method if the API expects the page number/index. For example, /users?page=2 retrieves the 2nd page regardless of how many items the page contains.
  • Use the offset method if the API expects the item number/index. For example, /users?startWith=20 retrieves the 20th and following items.
  • Use the cursor method if the API expects an item identifier. For example, /users?startWith=20 retrieves an item with ID 20 and the following items.

If the API uses different paging methods for different endpoints, use the multiple method together with any of the above methods.

Stopping Strategy

Generic Extractor stops scrolling

  • based on the nextPageFlag condition configuration.
  • based on the forceStop condition configuration.
  • based on the limitStop condition configuration.
  • when the same result is obtained twice.

Apart from those, each pagination method may have its own stopping strategy.

The same result condition deals with the situation when there is no clear limit to stop the scrolling. Generic Extractor keeps requesting higher and higher pages from the API. Let’s say that there are 150 pages of results in total. When Generic Extractor asks for page 151, various situations can arise:

  • Most common — API returns an empty page; scrolling with pagenum and offset methods will stop, and other methods will probably stop too (depends on how empty the response is).
  • Less common — API returns an error — in this case a different stopping condition such as nextFlag or forceStop has to be used.
  • Less common — API keeps returning the last page, the extraction is stopped when a page is obtained twice (see example [041]). If the API returns the last page and it is the same as the previous page, the extraction is stopped. You will see this in the Generic Extractor logs as the following message:

      Job '1234567890' finished when last response matched the previous!
  • Even less common — API keeps returning the first page, the extraction is stopped when a page is obtained twice (see example [EX042]). If the API returns the first page, it is not same as the previous page and therefore another request is sent to users?offset=6&limit=2. Then the result is the same as the previous page, the same check kicks in and the extraction is stopped too. However, the results from the first page will be duplicated.

Next Page Flag

The above describes automatic behavior of Generic Extractor regarding scrolling stopping. Using Next Page Flag allows you to do a manual setup of the stopping strategy: Generic Extractor analyzes the response, looks for a particular field (the flag) and decides whether to continue scrolling based on the value or presence of that flag.

Next Page Flag is configured using three options:

  • field (required) — name of a field containing any value. The field must be in the root of the response. It will be converted to boolean.
  • stopOn (required) — value to which the field will be compared to. When the values are equal, the scrolling stops.
  • ifNotSet — assumed value of the field in case it is not present in the response. It defaults to the stopOn value.

The boolean conversion has the following rules:

  • false, 0, null, string "0", empty array [] is false.
  • Everything else is true.

Example nextPageFlag setting:

"pagination": {
    "nextPageFlag": {
        "field": "moreItems",
        "stopOn": false,
        "ifNotSet": true

See our Next Page Flag Examples.

Force Stop

Force stop configuration allows you to stop scrolling when some extraction limits are hit. The supported options are:

  • pages — maximum number of pages to extract
  • time — maximum number of seconds the extraction should run
  • volume — maximum number of bytes which can be extracted

This is an example or the forceStop setting:

"pagination": {
    "forceStop": {
        "pages": 20,
        "time": 3600

The volume of the response is measured as number of bytes in compressed JSON. Therefore the response

    "items": [
            "id": 123,
            "name": "John Doe"
            "id": 234,
            "name": "Jane Doe"

is compressed (minified) to:

    {"items":[{"id":123,"name":"John Doe"},{"id":234,"name":"Jane Doe"}]}

which makes it 69 bytes long.

The following is a force stop example configuration that will stop scrolling after extracting two pages of results, or after extracting 69 bytes of minified JSON data (whichever comes first).

"pagination": {
    "forceStop": {
        "pages": 2,
        "volume": 69
    "method": "offset",
    "limit": "2"

See example [EX048] and example [EX116] (combining multiple conditions) and example [EX140] (combining with child jobs).

Limit Stop

Limit stop configuration allows you to stop scrolling when a specified number of items is extracted. The supported options are:

  • count (required, integer) — total number of items to extract
  • field (required, string) — path to the key which contains the value with total number of items

The two options are mutually exclusive, but one of them is required. In both cases, the total number of items may not be honored exactly. If the total amount is not divisible by the page size, then the leftover from the last page (if any) is extracted too (see example EX127 and EX138 (combining with child jobs)). This is an example or the limitStop setting:

"pagination": {
    "limitStop": {
        "field": "items.count"

The above configuration will search the response for the key count inside the key items. The obtained value is expected to be the total number of items to extract. In the sample response below, it will be 4:

    "items": [
            "id": 123,
            "name": "John Doe"
            "id": 234,
            "name": "Jane Doe"
    "scroller": {
        "count": 4,
        "offset": 0

Note that if the field does not exist in the response (e.g., you misspell it in the configuration), paging stops after the first page. See example [EX126] (a modified version of EX049. For count configuration, see example [EX127] (a modified version of EX051.

Combining Multiple Stopping Strategies

All stopping strategies are evaluated simultaneously and for the scrolling to continue, none of the stopping conditions must be met. In other words, the scrolling continues until any of the stopping conditions is true. To this you need to account specific stopping strategies for each scroller. For example, the scrolling of this configuration:

"pagination": {
    "nextPageFlag": {
        "field": "isLast",
        "stopOn": true
    "forceStop": {
        "pages": 20
    "method": "offset",
    "limit": "10"

will stop if any of the following is true:

  • An empty page is encountered (offset scroller specific).
  • A page contains less then 10 items (offset scroller specific).
  • A page contains the same items as the previous page.
  • 20 pages were extracted (forceStop).
  • The isLast field is present in the response and is true (nextPageFlag).
  • The isLast field is not present in the response.

Next Page Flag Examples

In this section, we want to show you the following examples of the Next Page Flag stopping strategy:

  • Has-More Scrolling
  • Non-Boolean Has-More Scrolling
  • Is-Last Scrolling

Has-More Scrolling

Assume that the API returns a response which contains a hasMore field. The field is present in every response and has always the value true except for the last response where it is false. The following pagination configuration can be used to configure the stopping strategy:

"pagination": {
    "nextPageFlag": {
        "field": "hasMore",
        "stopOn": false,
        "ifNotSet": false

It means that the scrolling will continue till the field hasMore is present in the response and true. In this case, setting ifNotSet is not necessary.

See example [EX045] and example [EX139]] (combining with child jobs).

Non-Boolean Has-More Scrolling

Assume that the API returns a response which contains a hasMore field. The field is present only in the last response and has the value "no" there. The following pagination configuration can be used to configure the stopping strategy:

The configuration:

"pagination": {
    "nextPageFlag": {
        "field": "hasMore",
        "stopOn": true,
        "ifNotSet": false

means that the scrolling will continue until the field hasMore is present. This takes advantage of the boolean conversion which converts the value "no" to true. If the field hasMore is not present, it defaults to false. In this case setting ifNotSet is mandatory.

See example [EX046].

Is-Last Scrolling

Assume that the API returns a response which contains an isLast field. The field is present only in the last response and has the value true there. The following pagination configuration can be used to configure the stopping strategy:

"pagination": {
    "nextPageFlag": {
        "field": "isLast",
        "stopOn": true,
        "ifNotSet": false

The scrolling will stop when the field isLast is present in the response and true. Because the field isLast is not present at all times, the ifNotSet configuration is required.

See example [EX047].