/data/in/tables manifests

An input table manifest stores metadata about a downloaded table from Storage Tables to the component’s working directory. For example, a table with the ID in.c-docker-demo.data will be downloaded into /in/tables/in.c-docker-demo.data.csv (unless stated otherwise in the input mapping and a manifest file ‘/in/tables/in.c-docker-demo.data.csv.manifest’ will be created with the following contents:

  "id": "in.c-docker-demo.data",
  "uri": "https://connection.keboola.com//v2/storage/tables/in.c-docker-demo.data",
  "name": "data",
  "primary_key": [],
  "created": "2015-01-25T01:35:14+0100",
  "last_change_date": "2015-01-25T01:35:14+0100",
  "last_import_date": "2015-01-25T01:35:14+0100",
  "table_metadata": {
    "KBC.createdBy.component.id": "keboola.python-transformation",
    "KBC.createdBy.configuration.id": "123456",
  "column_metadata": {
    "id": [],
    "name": [],
    "text": []

The name node refers to the name of the component configuration. The metadata and column_metadata fields contains Metadata for the table and its columns.