When using Azure Blob Storage for direct data exchange,
the manifest files in the component’s working directory will contain an additional abs
section with
credentials for downloading the actual file data.
"id": "in.c-docker-demo.data",
"abs": {
"is_sliced": true,
"region": "us-east-1",
"container": "exp-2-export-7647-627703071-in-c-docker-test-test",
"name": "627703071.csv.gzmanifest",
"credentials": {
"sas_connection_string": "BlobEndpoint=https://kbcfsdxcgtsezztoqc.blob.core.windows.net;SharedAccessSignature=sv=2017-11-09&sr=c&st=2020-08-27T08:42:08Z&se=2020-08-27T20:42:08Z&sp=rl&sig=UJW4DPh%2Baaaaaaaaaa",
"expiration": "2020-08-27T22:42:08+0200"
If the file is sliced and you need to merge it into a single file, read through the guide to
working with sliced files.
In that case, the name
points to another manifest, which contains a list of sliced files.
Note: Exchanging data via Azure ABS is currently available only for input mapping.
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