Create Template Tests

Create template tests in the repository directory. See the test structure for more details.

kbc template test create [template] [version] [flags]

This command creates a test for the specified template.

If you do not provide the version parameter, the default version will be used.

This command must be run in the repository directory.

It requires at least one existing project in a public Keboola stack, defined in the environment variable KBC_TEST_PROJECTS_FILE.

For example:


Example project file:

    "host": "",
    "project": 12345,
    "stagingStorage": "s3",
    "backend": "snowflake",
    "token": "XXXX",
    "legacyTransformation": true


--test-name <string>
Run only the test with the specified name
--inputs-file <string>
Path to the file containing the template inputs
--test-projects-file <string>
File containing the projects available for templates
--verbose <bool>
Show details (default false)

Global Options


➜ kbc template test create my-template 0.0.1 --test-name one --inputs-file ./inputs.json
New objects from "keboola/my-template/0.0.1" template:
  + C main/extractor/ex-generic-v2/empty
Template "keboola/my-template/0.0.1" has been applied, instance ID: 1234
The test was created in the folder tests/one.

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