Table Upload

Upload a CSV file to a table.

kbc remote table upload [table] [file] [flags]
ID of the destination table.
Path and/or name of the source file. If -, input is expected from standard input, so the command is pipeable.


-H, --storage-api-host <string>
Keboola instance URL, e.g.,
--columns <string>
Comma-separated list of column names. If present, the first row in the CSV file is not treated as a header.
Data are either added to existing data in the table or replace the existing data.
--primary-key <string>
Comma-separated list of columns representing the primary key for the newly created table if the table doesn’t exist.
--file-name <string>
Name of the file to be created
--file-tags <string>
Comma-separated list of tags for the uploaded file
--file-delimiter <string>
Delimiter of the CSV file. Default is ,.
--file-enclosure <string>
Enclosure of the CSV file. Default is ".
--file-escaped-by <string>
Escape character of the CSV file. By default, no escaping is used. (Note: you can specify either the enclosure or escapedBy parameter, not both.)
States if the CSV file contains headers on the first row or not.

Global Options


Create a table from a CSV file:

➜ kbc remote table upload in.c-users.accounts accounts.csv \
  --file-name accounts.csv
  --file-tags local-file
  --primary-key Id
File "accounts.csv" uploaded with file id "734370450".
Table "in.c-users.accounts" does not exist, creating it.
Bucket "in.c-users" does not exist, creating it.
Created new table "in.c-users.accounts" from file with id "734370450".

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